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모든 번역물 - senemtas_mt

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약 48개 결과들 중 1 - 20
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원문 언어
영어 A significant number of parents feel it is...
A significant number of parents feel it is permissible to mete out some kind of physical punishment to a child, even when they have zero tolerance for assault between adults.

완성된 번역물
터키어 Hope it's helpful
원문 언어
영어 The established tumours in the castrated mice...
The established tumours in the castrated mice were the either treated with oestrogen withdrawal alone (supposed to mimic anastrozole induced oestrogen withdrawal) or oestrogen witdrawal plus treatment with fulvestrant. In contrast, in mice treated with oestrogen withdrawal plus fulvestrant it took twice as long time for tumours to progress and in some tumours development of resistance was not evident.
anastrozole ve fulvestrant ilaç isimleridir,aynen yazılabilir. genel anlamda gramere ve kelime bilgisine dayanan bir çeviri gerekiyor. yani bilinmeyen kelimeler,tıbbi kelimeler, çevirilemediği sürece aynen bırakılabilir.

완성된 번역물
터키어 Kastre edilmiÅŸ farelerde saptanan...
원문 언어
영어 An Agreement
Okay I'll make a deal with you, I'll add you back on my MSN then you tell me the Important thing but You Must Swear to break contact with me as in stop talking to me emailing me sending me messages on face book and any other possible contact with me
this is an agree ment with my stalker and this is to make it easyer for him to under stand so please translate quickly

<edit> "ill" with "I'll"</edit> (08/20/francky)

완성된 번역물
터키어 Bir AnlaÅŸma
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
영어 now anda again she would glance up at the clock,...
now and again she would glance up at the clock, but without anxiety, merely to please herself with the thougt that each minute gone by made it nearer the time when he would come.there was a slow smiling air about her, and about everything she did.the drop of the head as she bent over her sewing was curiously tranquil.her skin- for her sixth month with child - had acquired a wonderful translucent quality, the mouth was soft, and eyes, with their new placid look, seemed larger, darker than before.
lamb to the slaughter

완성된 번역물
터키어 Her geçen dakikanın onun geleceÄŸi vakti .....
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
영어 AraÅŸtırma
Measurement invariance has been developed in a very technical language and manner that is generally not widely accessible to social and behavioral researchers and applied measurement specialists
Bilim araştırması

완성된 번역물
터키어 AraÅŸtırma
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
터키어 Tanıstgmıza memnun oldum.
Tanıstgmıza memnun oldum. Konusblrız tabi beni arkadsn olrk görblrsın herzaman. Ben zaten tanıyorum seni.
sms. maybe have mistakes
смс. возможны ошибки

Tanıstgmıza = tanıştığımıza
Konusblrız = konuşabiliriz
arkadsn = arkadaşın
olrk = olarak
görblrsın = görebilirsin

완성된 번역물
영어 Nice to meet you.
스웨덴어 Trevligt att träffa dig.
러시아어 Рад нашему знакомству
원문 언어
터키어 Vize iÅŸlemlerimi baÅŸlattım.
Vize işlemlerimi başlattım.

완성된 번역물
영어 I initiated my visa application.
폴란드어 WprowadziÅ‚em moje podanie o wize.
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
터키어 Onur (имя) son zamanlarda gergin, sinirli. Abimle...
Onur son zamanlarda gergin, sinirli. Abimle konuÅŸurum gerekirse.
Onur - имя

"knusurum" edited as "konuÅŸurum" (smy)

완성된 번역물
영어 Onur is fraught and nervous...
러시아어 Онур - имя
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
영어 program kurulumu
A previous program installation created pending file operations on the installation machine

완성된 번역물
터키어 program kurulumu
원문 언어
영어 Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance.
Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.

완성된 번역물
터키어 Hesabınız site bakımı yapıldığından geçici süreliÄŸine kullanım dışıdır.
원문 언어
영어 Confirm that this is my domain name
Confirm that this is my domain name

완성된 번역물
터키어 Bunun benim alan adım olduÄŸunu doÄŸrulayın
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
영어 Your email has address has been rejected as we do...
Your email has address has been rejected as we do not accept registrations from publicly available email domains (e.g. gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc).

완성된 번역물
터키어 Emailiniz bizim kaydını kabul etmediÄŸimiz...
원문 언어
영어 An understanding of the standards used in...
An understanding of the standards used in measurement and the organisation involved in administrating them is important. It is also important to appreciate the role of metrology in achieving and maintaing quality standards for the benefit of society. To achieve this understanding, the unit has the following objectives;
· To develop an understanding of the international and national measurement infrastructure,

완성된 번역물
터키어 Ölçüm ve organizasyonun kullanılmasında...
원문 언어
영어 How can I receive RSS feeds?
There are several ways of receiving RSS feeds, but the technology is constantly moving forward very quickly. The main method is to download a program called a 'News Reader'. You can then set up this program to receive RSS information from whatever websites you wish that offer it, and browse headlines and story summaries that link through to the full story on the website.

There are several News Reader programs available for all platforms, many of which are free. See a list here.

Alternatively, some newer web browsers offer similar functionality already built-in which will detect whether the website you are viewing offers an RSS feed and will then let you create a constantly-updated list of links in your 'bookmarks' menu.

The Firefox browser (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux) will let you do this, and will alert you to an RSS-enabled page by displaying an icon in the bottom-right corner of the window. Apple's Safari browser (Mac OSX only) offers an even fuller service.

There are also some websites that let you customise a list of RSS feeds too.

완성된 번역물
터키어 RSS beslemelerini nasıl alabilirim?
원문 언어
영어 I told you that he was in love with she.He wanted...
I told you that he was in love with she.He wanted to marry she when she was only fifteen or sixteen

완성된 번역물
터키어 Ona aşık olduÄŸunu sana anlattım...
프로젝트 - Turkish Christian News Paper 원문 언어
영어 Turkey Court Questions Validity of Church Leader
Members of the worldwide ecumenical family have expressed support and solidarity to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew as the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople - today's Istanbul - is facing growing hardships imposed by the Turkish judiciary.

On 26 June a ruling by Turkey's Supreme Court of Appeals contested the ecumenical standing of the Patriarchate, stating that it is a religious body only authorised to perform religious functions for the Greek Orthodox minority in the country.

The court also ruled that the Patriarchate does not have any legal personality and that the Patriarch is not allowed to bear the title "ecumenical".

The ruling stated that the Patriarch as well as the Patriarchate officers are subject to Turkish law regarding their titles and activities. On 21 August, Bartholomew was summoned to testify before a prosecuting authority in Istanbul on his use of the title "Ecumenical" at a world conference of Orthodox youth that took place in the city a few weeks earlier.

In the face of these developments, on 27 August the Conference of European Churches (CEC) expressed its "strong support" for the right of the Patriarch to use of the title "Ecumenical".

In a letter addressed to Bartholomew, CEC's general secretary, the Venerable Colin Williams, wrote: "We could think of no other church leader in Europe who is so naturally recognised as a key figure in the ecumenical aspirations of the [continent's] churches."

On 29 August a similar letter addressed to Bartholomew by the World Council of Churches (WCC) General Secretary, the Rev Dr Samuel Kobia, expressed the Council's "whole-hearted appreciation of the authenticity and importance of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as an institution and the Ecumenical Patriarch as an office within the wider church world".

In his letter, Kobia conveyed to the Patriarch the WCC's "firm support" and reaffirmed Bartholomew's "ecumenical standing" while cherishing his "leadership in the global ecumenical movement".

완성된 번역물
터키어 Türk Yargıtayının Kilise Liderlerinin Geçerlilikleri Hükmü
프로젝트 - Turkish Christian News Paper 원문 언어
영어 The incident, which occurred at 3:15 a.m was...
The incident, which occurred at 3:15 am was recorded on a security camera installed by the church several months ago, in the wake of the gruesome stabbing deaths of three Protestant Christians in Malatya. Sahin walked up to the door of the church, laid down a box and some other flammable materials, poured liquid over the pile and lit it while smoking a cigarette. He then walked off, returning shortly to find the pile burning brightly on the stone steps. Stepping away down the street, he proceeded to shoot off his pistol loaded with blanks into the air several times. Police arrived within several minutes and were soon joined by 10 people from the neighborhood, but the fire was not put out until the fire department came minutes later.

The suspect was apprehended on a nearby street shortly after the incident still carrying the pistol. The church pastor said that police authorities called him at 8 a.m. to inform him of the incident.

Although the fire blackened the entrance and steps to the church, there was no structural damage to the building.

The pastor has been provided with an armed government security guard since the last week of April, when he returned home with his family after his brother-in-law's funeral. On May 20, the testimony of one of the Malatya murder suspects was leaked to the Turkish press, stating that he had planned to murder the Izmit pastor next. The pastor was again targeted in the Turkish media on July 14, when police authorities in Izmit's Kocaeli province reported the round-up of a mafia-style gang of 23 suspects involved in assassinations of businessmen and a rash of other illegal activities in the region. After his capture, gang leader Ismail Halil was interrogated about the group's alleged plans to murder the Izmit pastor in the near future, for which they were to receive $1 million, according to Sabah newspaper. Halil reportedly claimed his legal right to remain silent on this question.

In a previous incident this summer, a group of neighborhood boys plastered the front of the church building with raw eggs on the morning of July 30, just as the church began a week-long English club for its young people.

Police identified the culprits after viewing the security camera footage, bringing them from their homes to clean up the mess.

완성된 번역물
터키어 Birkaç ay önce Malatya'da üç Protestan...
원문 언어
브라질 포르투갈어 Citação de Einstein
"O culto aos indivíduos sempre é, em minha opinião, injustificado. Na verdade, a natureza distribui seus bens desigualmente entre seus filhos, mas, graças a Deus, há muitos bem dotados, e eu estou plenamente convencido de que eles levam vidas tranqüilas e discretas. A mim parece injusto e mesmo de mau gosto escolher alguns para admiração ilimitada, atribuindo a eles poderes sobre-humanos de mente e personalidade."
Albert Einstein, após visitar os EEUU pela 1ª vez.
Retirado do livro Viajando com o cérebro de Einstein, LEIA.

완성된 번역물
영어 Einstein's Quotings
프랑스어 Citation d'Einstein
이탈리아어 Citazione di Einstein
스페인어 Cita de Einstein
터키어 Einstein'dan Alıntılar
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
영어 "Shoot" , I muttered when the paper sliced my...
"Shoot" , I muttered when the paper sliced my finger; I pulled it out to examine the damage.
A single drop of blood oozed from the tiny cut.
Edward threw himself at me, flinging me across the table...

완성된 번역물
터키어 Kağıt parmağımı kestiÄŸinde....
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